


Theodoros Georgiades

Invoice Number INV-0008
Invoice Date February 24, 2021
Total Due €253.54
Demetris Krentos Architects LLC

95, Archibishop Makarios III, 3rd Floor, Suite 301

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Social Media Profile Setup
1 New Graphics Card Installation, Swap and Driver Installation
1 Outlook Email Backups and Profiles (Savvia,Maria)
1 Jason Laptop Camera (Driver Installation and Software Issue)
1 Savvias PC PDF Installation
1 Marias PC PhotoShop & Language Proofing Tools
1 BoardRoom PC PDF Installation
1 BoardRoom and Nikolas Windows License
1 Nikolas PC SSD Purchase (Bionic)
1 New SSD Cloning and Installation
1 Aggeliki Webcam,Microphone,Headeset Driver Installation €10.000.00%€10.00
Sub Total €253.54
Tax €0.00
Total Due €253.54